SeaClean > F A Q s
A frequent question from our users is : How many of these SeaClean systems have you installed and on what boats?
Our answer : The 55m Heesen motoryacht SERENITY is fitted with 2 SeaClean systems. This installation was performed at Rybovich in late 2013 and to date has more than 2000 hours of trouble-free operation requiring no maintenance. We are currently installing our 17th system and expect to reach 20 by the end of 2014.
You may ask : Do you have the contact details for any of these boats so that we can ask the engineers how they find the system?
These questions and more are answered by Rick Boggs and Freddy Quintero of SeaClean, and Jamie Price and Tony Chapman of M/Y SERENITY. Use the links above to read SeaClean FAQs and M/Y Serenity Q&A.